Friday 12 February 2021

Am single but good

Good Morning on this cold day. I know everyone is talking about Valentine’s Day and am not one to shy away considering am a sucker for kind gestures, romance and love. Am happy for everyone who has found love. Am not here for you though. I am here for the hopeful and single.

I don’t know about you but am thankful 2021 that Valentine’s Day is on a Sunday. Hallelujah, Praise God. Let me just confirm so that am not getting excited just to be disappointed. Yup! Sunday it is. Valentine’s Day is the worst day to reflect on your life. What am I doing wrong? Is it that I don’t have enough exposure or not putting myself out there by attending THE events? Hard questions here. How can I be doing everything right yet at the end of the day it feels wrong? Why is it not adding up? Since am not the problem, what is? What’s missing?

That would have been the old me. Frustrating myself in deep thoughts trying to figure out how I got here. I am amused at myself in all honesty. If the theme for 2021 was Valentine’s Day, I wouldn’t be bothered much. I would be concerned for the unnecessary attention but hey, okay. I am so sorry but I don’t give a fuck. Heck am celibate so am not even expecting anyone to give or offer a goddamn fuck. I don’t even know of places where people are serving fucks. You do whatever you have to do to survive but be sure no one gives an actual fuck about your life.

To everyone who is single out there, don’t feel discouraged or pressured to hook up with less than smart people just to fit in. There is a reason you are single in the first place. If there is anyone who knows what they want in life right now is a single person. We know where to find what. Just ask me. I know. Don’t ever joke with anyone who has taken their time to date themselves. People who are not afraid to take a step back and reflect, reevaluate and reconstruct themselves? That is genius at its best.

If you are so amazing Njeri, how comes no man wants you? 

Has it ever occurred to you that am actually the one rejecting these men and the little that they have to offer?  Has it ever lingered in your mind that perhaps an ready but the timing is off? It’s not Gods will yet. I still have to wait because am not where God wants me to be for Him to bring and deliver my soulmate to me. What if what you want is not locally available? What if you don’t have the resources to get there? What if you can’t identify who it is? Look at it from that angle people. All this to say, by all means you do what you have to 2021, just don’t expect me to be part of it. Like I told myself on my birthday blog which you should read, if it’s not in line with what I want or where am headed, I humbly decline. Am single but good. Am okay with myself.

This month of love, it’s just a single day and not the rest of your life. Don’t allow one day dictate the rest of the year for you. If you are feeling it single people then go with it but if you aren’t, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that or you for that matter. Incase you don’t have anyone to remind you of how fucking remarkable you are, read my blogs. Do I read my own blogs, are you kidding me? If this is it was a person, sweetheart am it. I am enchanted and captivated by my choice of words and my thought process. Who even writes that? Don’t end your life over a red petal when you can own a freaking garden of roses. It’s bad enough we are all struggling in one way or another but straining yourself to save face, this is where we draw the line and reject such bullshit. NO! Even you know, you are better than that.

Understand, you aren’t meant to be alone but sometimes being alone becomes a necessity. Be fabulously or miserably single. Your choice. It’s on Sunday so get cozy and watch a movie. Stay open and hopeful but don’t postpone being happy #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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