Saturday 27 February 2021

It was all you ever wanted

Let’s talk about men who keep asking and wondering why ladies leave whenever you have financial crisis or you stop making that much money. Ever heard of it takes one to know one? If you dated her for her looks or she fit in your lifestyle, she only stuck around for just that.

You recall that girl who you ignored because somehow she wasn’t your type? What girl Njeri? How could you after all, with everyone else around? Allow me to take you back. Not before you went temporarily out of cash but before you got your big break. Do you remember any of it? How determined  you were to make something and a name for yourself. How you worked hard and the determination that made everyone believe you would make it against all odds. Do you remember at night how you dreamt and actually used to prayed about it? It was all you ever wanted. 

Until you got it and ever better.

And then suddenly the world was jealous of your success. Honest to God I don’t even know why am blogging this but I feel like someone is taking out the blame on everyone else but themselves. You made those choices. You did and not everyone else.

Why are you angry now? You got what you wanted. You lived it up. You got your opportunity and took it. It looked good on you. You had the world at your feet. You didn’t even have to ask as life presented you with various endless possibilities which you embraced head on.

The same way life took off for you is the same way it did with the rest of us though differently. Some people will never take advice from people who are not of their class or don’t look a certain way. I wish the world knew how classy humility is. Don’t live your life waiting for people to sympathize or feel sorry for you by throwing in the victim card because at some point it will get old. See I have been there but unlike you I kept feeling sorry for myself for years yet it did nothing for me financially.

Njeri, I want them to like me? The next time you walk into a mall or banking hall, the way that guard treats will tell you exactly how valuable or irrelevant you are. That guard doesn’t owe you loyalty because they don’t know you at all. Guards represent how strangers view you. You remember that girl I was asking you about? The one who never once asked about your finances and always gave you the ugly truth, she is still around. Not the same way you left her but like you she made choices of her own. 

Hey,don’t look for her because you might not recognize her.

She decided to pursue a life of her own doing the things she is actually good at blogging, watching basketball, encouraging others with afew curse words as is expected *laughing*. Every man has a Njeri, just not this one. But if so ops! my bad #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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