Monday 22 February 2021

Only God can surprise me.

Coming into this new year, I was scared not necessarily about the actual year but I didn’t know how to go further with myself. Matters that are beyond me don’t bother me but things within my reach trouble my overthinking mind. Good morning lovebirds. Looks like am blogging, okay.

When you hang out with people who are naturally smart, their smartness starts to rub off on you. I am more relaxed. I am allowing myself to ignore as opposed to worrying about non issues that bear me no fruits. I am very selfish with my energy. Am learning to listen to myself. I am open to any and all possibilities but am not wasting my time waiting around idle. I am dreaming more. Dreams slow me down by showing me what and who is important and what’s to come. What to expect. In a way, am always ready. Only God can surprise me.

This is a different year for me. I feel different. I am different. I can feel and see it. I have become it. I have embraced it. If it comes in a less package, am happy and patient enough to wait for the right package. If it doesn’t feel right, then it’s not right. It’s not that I don’t care, I just don’t have it in me any longer. If I want it, I will get it. If I can’t afford it, I will not settle for the second best. I will prepare myself to get to a point where I can afford it without struggling and appreciate it.

I am so close to achieving my dreams I can almost taste the fruits of my labor.

I am not going to allow anyone to talk me out of it and by anyone I mean myself. God has brought me a long way and I had lost sight of that by looking at what I currently don’t have. Shame on me.

I am attracted and drawn to greatness. Simply because I have this one constant question, “My God how do you stay that grounded?” How do I stay grounded even without? How do I conduct myself with so much blessings? Will I still be Njeri true to God and myself at the end of it all?

Sometimes if am being honest, lack excites me. Atleast that way I can evaluate myself and gladly conclude that I haven’t changed my personality and character. I have improved. What if in the presence of more? More and great are on their way #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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