Monday 29 March 2021

Only I can fix

I don’t want to live in the hype of the “I love you. No I love you more” bubble. If I do, I will end up high on short commitments in search for the same “first encounter” and as soon as it dies down or wears off, am out. I want to stick around, own my mistakes and stay after.

I have been on my own for years so sharing or giving rather allowing someone to have an opinion and take it well in a mature manner already feels like I am in a relationship. Sometimes, it’s way easier to think things through than to actual talk them out. The power of the tongue.

Everytime I try to bring the secure walls I built around me down, I end up adding more barriers to keep everyone out. To some extent, I became rigid. Working on yourself is an inside job and it is not easy nor a one time thing. Understand it’s an I situation. Only I can fix.

Raw conversations and thoughts would make life more easier. My number one priority has to be communication. This is real life. One of two things will happen. People will either agree or disagree. Regardless, own your truth and work on yourself #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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