Wednesday 31 March 2021

March, you were too MUCH

March, you were too MUCH. I don’t take any day nor every lesson for granted. I allowed myself to feel more. Both happy and sad moment which led to not holding back the tears but watching them roll down my cheeks. I was afraid and scared of the truth. It’s when I beat myself down the most. 

I took a surprising chance which taught me something about myself. When left with no choice, I always find a way. I am a different lady altogether. I am more calm and more aware of myself and my surrounding. Of my words, intentions and actions.

If asked to be described myself, I would almost immediately talk of the old me that’s what am assuming but in all honesty, I would tell you about me in this very moment. See what I was attracted to before, doesn’t do it for me anymore. What bothered me, I find really amusing. Am at a point where it’s not about others anymore. I believe that people can and do change as a living testimony but I don’t have the grace to stick around. The old me would have entertained and tolerated such but am not sticking around for such. Whatever such is.

I am so focused on myself and the people I love and care about. I want and need more of that. I am very intentional and prioritizing them but more so myself. March got me asking questions and stepping up. I don’t have nor wish to crush on anything or anyone ever again. Am done.

Listen, I am going where no one wants to go. The I like you, are you available for a date? I like that car, am going to purchase it. I am going to use the word like very cautiously from now henceforth. What I don’t like won’t be stated out loud. I will just politely walk away.

I am finally matching up to my personality and character. I have had ample experiences and will still continue to learn but I have to appreciate and applaud myself because so far so good. It’s alright to be emotional and not too strong sometimes #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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