Monday 8 March 2021

You can never lie to your heart

If I happen to end this as a blog, well and good. If not, as long as I get this out there, am happy. Each day presents us with different surprises and desires. I have discovered this about myself ever since my birthday, what I liked yesterday, I am no longer attracted to today.

As soon as my truth leaves my mouth and I pull my lips together, it’s out there. What you choose to do with that information is no longer my responsibility. It’s how I feel the next day that matters. That’s why I can like as many men as there are to like and wake up the following unbothered by all. I am more afraid of not expressing myself as opposed to what and how you think about me. It’s down to how I feel about you or certain situations. Before I felt this urge to silence my opinion to offer the other person a voice but not anymore. I say this with a smile on my face, I understand. I hear you, but I understand myself more to offer you my maturity and grace you with my absence. Life is too precious to waste it when you sell yourself short of what you truly are valuable over. 

You can never lie to your heart. It always knows.

What you invest you eyes and ears on matters. I have been receiving plenty of that of late and my heart is full. When you are in the right environment mentally, you are like a flower. You slowly start to open up gracefully at your pace and blossom radiating a certain beauty.

When a man is inlove there is a certain level of vulnerability he gives away without having to say a single word. The way he looses his breath when she walks in, stops everything he was doing to just stare at her in awe like it’s the very first time he met her.

From admiration to adoration to holding her on an imaginary pedestal. Having endless conversations in his head but the one thing that gets me is this, how he gives her the final how did I get this lucky in almost in a whisper, God I love her look #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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