Tuesday 9 February 2016

Month of Love

What is the one thing you love about yourself? The one thing that stands out in your opinion? Well even that at times doesn't feel quite enough if we are being honest. That irresistible smile slowly fades into a frown then you start loosing teeth and that is how your asset becomes a liability.

This month of love, don't just hope on one day to be showered with gifts. You are worth the trouble and like any well planned war because it feels like a battlefield at one point it doesn't begin and end in a day.

Don't expect the moon if you have only been offering yourself breadcrumbs. Ladies why should we not spoil ourselves just because the good book says that man should provide? Remind me again why we all struggle to make it to work on time? To earn. So let me get this straight you would rather spend thousands on a manicure than walk into a restaurant and buy yourself a hot meal least you are tagged as miss independent or worse you are already your own man?

Who on earth said that women need to be needy for them to land a good man? So until prince charming comes along am stuck here with a tall glass of water and a sandwich so as not to scare him away? If that's the case hand me the crown because before I put my life on hold for time to stand still, I will be the queen.

Love yourself a little more this month and the next one until the day that good man will come take it from there. How do you love if you have never experienced what love is first hand. The worst thing that can ever happen as far as am concerned is him feeling the same way or even more. Then you can't control it.

Go on, love it out. And that is my #RealityCheck

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