Thursday 11 February 2016

Unpleasant Assignment

When God entrusts you with a dream or dreams he grants you the grace to see you through until the very end. That is not where most of us go wrong . You disclosing your dreams out loud is not the problem so I have discovered.  We are all human born again or ratchet and we suffer from one humanly disadvantage, we give up so fast. For those of you who are wondering how it feels it to dream or be given a dream it's pretty much like ushering in a new year. You have everything figured out . The set goals and the people you intend to connect with.

Have you ever noticed that the first Sunday of the year everyone is a saint. We all walk into church all changed.  We confess of our previous sins and agree nodding to every word the servant of God speaks our way.  The second Sunday the fire is still burning deep inside you until that two worded monster dawns in #RealityCheck . The month is not looking up and the balance account is just enough to get you through a week if you are lucky.  You don't want to give up on God and you promised to change so you go to church the third Sunday. Something familiar and annoying creeps in. The sermon is almost the same as the last two.  Life has started getting on your nerves secretly.  The this is my year turns to is this my year?

The servant of God assured you that indeed it's time for you to be rewarded for all your hard work. Yes, God had finally answered your prayers. So each day you wake up expectant. You give generously as it will all be given back double the portion as the good book assures us.  What you were not told coming in your season was that as much as it would be handed to you , it will not be the way you always envisioned it. You come across obstacles.  Are you facing something or someone who is proving life a little more difficult for you?  That is your obstacle.

Like any human being you feel the urge to curse them out. Put them in their place. You are so human that part of you is already singing along to move b@#$ get out the way *laughs* oh its about to get ugly up in this mother before I let you rob me of my blessing.  That might not be you but it sound close enough doesn't it? I am about to cursed out but I will advise you anyway.  A wise lady told me that the easiest way to get a breakthrough is by praying for your obstacles to be blessed. Ofcourse like most of you I laughed then had on the girl have lost your damn mind? Obstacles are strategically placed in your life to perfect and mold you into your season. They teach you the virtue of being patient and calm. I heard that when you are calm and away from your busy scedule that is when God speaks to you. That is when he reveals and manifests himself when you are calm.

You would have gotten there on your own no doubt but for there to be a God given intervention and others to witness your miracle God ensures that you have no plan B. It's all him or nothing. You can even negotiate.  You just have to trust and allow for his will to be done.  This is the hard part. Staying in faith when you keep hitting walls and being kind to your obstacles.  Like any end product we all want results but no one us willing to stick around and withstand the process.  You want the good life but you don't want a workaholic man. You expect a pay cheque but you walk around bad mouthing your boss and complaining of how you hate your job. You want the lifestyle but you can't even appreciate the man going out of his way to please you.  We just want results but not the inbetweens. 

Ladies our grandmothers knew the secret to winning the heart of a man . It lies between wisdom and knowledge.  It's called humility.  I am not suggesting you trade in your designer clothes for sacks to appear humble but when you know what to say and when to say it , you will have that man in the house before you even start to miss him. The problem with today's modern woman is she thinks rather she believes anything a man can do she can do it better with heels on. Those heels would keep you warm at night. If you don't want and need a man live in your truth but don't expect the rest of us hopeless romantics feel guilty for falling inlove.  There is nothing wrong with a little TLC *Tender Love and Care* . That doesn't make me needy or incomplete but human.

It's an unpleasant assignment but my #RealityCheck

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