Monday 29 February 2016

My 29th February leap towards being grateful

This is not me being arrogant it's me being observant.  Until you can address it the people you care the most will always take advantage of your kindness.  I am thankful for not having life handed to me on a silver platter so that I can feed myself and those related to me with golden spoons. The catch is they will have to earn it.

The more I am thankful the less I complain and lack. Being human we all yearn to be noticed if not celebrated.  Let's face it gone are the days people say thank you , please and I am sorry.  We all just assume and secretly even think we earned the right for others to go out of their way for us.  Again this is not me trying to start a pity party but where in the world have our manners disappeared to?

If I invest in you or your business gentlemen *shots fired* it means I want to be part of your empire. I see greatness or spot potential I always follow my gut feeling. That however doesn't necessarily mean that we are friends. In the words of my good friend ," It's nothing personal it's just business". One wrong move and I will never look back. Just to be clear I can only be loyal to myself seeing as everyone else is taken. Not just taken but taken for granted.

Men say that women who make the first move are courageous and sexy. Well slap the boring out of me because from where I come from and yes it's deep in the village we call that desperation. Times have changed but the bible has not. You only live once please spare me your selfishness we all live once. The world doesn't revolve around you, it never has so don't think you are doing us a favor by being alive.

Good women are being misled and taken advantage of. Gentlemen listen, if you have no intention of marrying her please don't test drive her into your indecisiveness . This is not a car dealership but an actual human being. The reason why I am against this is because am sick and tired of watching good women become bitter and take it out on good men. To think that someone somewhere is making life hard for the one for me just because some man wasn't faithful so she feels the need to break this other man drives me crazy.

I have decided to lead by example.If I have no interest in you, I will not lead you on. If my emotions get the best of me, I will walk away and not take it out on the wrong person. If I am not comfortable I will talk it out and not shout it out. If I don't like where I am I will leave and go where it feels like home. I will not accept your gifts if they are as a result of you feeling guilty. I promise to live an honest yet grateful life. Someimes you have to say thank you and other times no thank you.

And that is my #RealityCheck

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