Monday 15 February 2016

My Valentine

It is perceived that Valentine's day is a day for a man and a woman to reaffirm their love openly. So what happens when you are single?  Do you still celebrate and if so  are you forced to hire or act it out with a fake spouse or do you just stay indoors and wallow in your sorrows?

For single parents how fo you go out there and act as if life has been good to you when you can barely make ends meet? For people suffering from depression and rejection how does a red rose heal the brokenness? So I decided to turn this one day of publicity stunt and make something beautiful and meaningful to myself. Love is a discussion for another day but it takes more than a dozen of red roses,  a box of chocolates and a prompt proposal to have a heart connect.

Learn to walk at your own pace.  When everyone else runs, walk and when they walk , run. Find your place in this messy world and get your rhythm.  You have ample time to enjoy yourself and everyone else around you and believe you me it doesn't have to who you had in mind. Go out there and make a difference.  There is so much to be done but know you can't do it all.

So until then,  I don't mind being my own valentine and that is my #RealityCheck

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