Monday 21 March 2016

March Much Reality

What happens when life serves you a middle finger stage. By that I mean you are not only stuck but all you can do is pull a fudge it line. Love to me is more of a job. All your life you work hard or cheat your way up and then fate decides whether you look for a job or the right job finds you.

Most people who use words like am at Jobo instead of am at work to me come off as jerks.  They try too hard. You want to sound important and chances are they believe they are important than their friends and deserve not only a good paycheck but a higher position. Not to worry, such people end up jobless.  Funny thing is they always find a way to mess themselves up. I gave done my research. You don't believe me, then ask around if they even applied for the job in the first place.  They come in highly recommended only to end up costing the company. 

These are the very same people who tweet or always complain of how they hate their work, can't wait to leave and when am I being paid. If my research is as true as I write then allow me to go deeper. Their love lives suck. Again anything you need to know about them is on social media ....I don't like feeling like am good enough , uploading wedding gowns to hint that it's time to settle down and refer to their spouses as boys or idiots *giggles* Don't get me wrong, I find this really entertaining.  Like oh no he didn't .... Gal stop .... write more .... I want more hahahahahahaha . I should stop. 

Why a job? Because you are rewarded according to how you perform.  You don't look for love rather it finds you. Depending on how you treat that man or woman the way they treat you tells alot about the relationship.  How do you give up on your own company if you are not passionate about your work? Same case applies to your love life. Why do you stick around? For the exposure, experience , love or money?  Or is it because you have no where better to go?

Now that we are on the same middle finger boat what do you do? Keep investing or shut it down? How do you chase the wind when you don't even know which direction it's blowing towards or how do you give up on something/someone who you can't face tomorrow without?

And that is my #RealityCheck

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