Monday 21 March 2016

Silly thoughts

Why did I block you in the first place? The answer we all use when we don't want to cut people short with some tough love. I don't know. ...just... Unlike having to say it face to face how about I write why we end up blocking people.  Simple because your ass was ungrateful.  Am I right or am I right?

I write think *I write as I think and thanks to typo I mess up sometimes if not all the time and no I don't read what I write* . At first the shenanigans are cute but later on it gets old. When you find yourself thinking like why won't this person grow up that is when you realise you have grown up. Not mature calm down but the person is no longer as juicy as they used to be. The other truth is you end up liking them and everytime they fall short of your expectations you find them immature. Am right ain't I? 

Sometimes you block people to keep them out. Some in their stalkerish ways need to be in mental institutions. Other times you just want to mess with their psychology.  Let me see if they care enough to notice or miss me. I don't want you thinking that my life revolves around you and no am not waiting for you to fix your sorry excuse for a life. You have so many people thinking about you so today how about they take it from there coz I believe someone else out there needs me *blocked* Hey am just being honest here.

Afew times you just want to be left alone. You feel as though everyone expects so much from you that you end up blocking them out just to survive.  It was either you or going insane so bye! On that note some block others out because they just don't know what to do with their lives. I have so much to offer but am not sure if it's you to offer it to.  Very few block others because they remind them of who they used to be. Like I don't live in the past or am not that person anymore.

Personally I block people because am easily bored. I don't have time for friend - enemies like let's leave the acting to professionals. If you are not going to add any value please don't be upset if I don't string you along. I no longer invest. As a matter of fact please be mad and cause a scene or two ...the dramatic effect always gives me the chance to read my unwritten award winning speech in my head , "I always knew it".

So feel free this beautiful hot Monday morning to block out one or two toxic people who you have been secretly tolerating just to save face. I respect the art of kissing but no one likes a kiss ass.

And that is my #RealityCheck

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