Monday 28 March 2016

Monday focus

I love challenges.  Having to stick around when everyone else looks for an easier way out forces you to be alert. I don't have a back up plan I never do but I always find myself improvising. Most people would give up after a few trials but not me especially if am gut invested. 

I want to be legendary not necessarily leave my mark on this planet but I want to be remembered as the lady who always went for it hard. At first we though she was crazy seeing as no one else tried it but we admired her courage and determination.  Someday I want my kids to be proud of me. I don't want to be first lady not that I can't be but the fact that I stand by what I believe in at times alone and never give up is enough to know that them carrying my blood will survive.

You loose people when you don't have a trend of thought. You are powerful when you focus but the question is what are you focusing on? Don't let ego drive you off your focus. You can't gave new blessings with old order

And that is my #RealityCheck

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