Wednesday 2 March 2016

With obedience comes sacrifice

Ask anyone who has ever served God when they were young and they will tell you the truth. The ugly truth. You don't have a say that just sums it up. His will always wins. It feels like going to war and being attacked . Just when you thought a bullet to the chest wasn't bad enough it gets worse.  The doctor walks in and says you have cancer and they are forced to amputate both legs. Just as you are recovering you happen to hear him say that you have liver failure and your lungs are shutting down.

Like I said ask anyone who knows the Lord well and they will narrate a horror story with a comic effect. It doesn't get better, it gets worse. See you are so used to doing and getting things done your way until he breaks your pattern. Being human we all have a system that helps rather stops us from going mad. If he is going to do things his way no doubt the process will leave you feeling like you lost. It looks that way and it even feels that way because being human we expect instant results. It's either yes or no. With God he always leaves you guessing. He is always full of suprsises.  If he took his time to create this beautiful universe how about you and I the ones he made in his likeness. Time is all he had.

The one God-human disease we all suffer from is waiting. For what? So most have compromised and the rest have rebelled.  I was shocked to learn of a legible bachelor who openly confessed that the reason why God was punishing him was because he was living with his girlfriend prior to his promise to God to wife the woman he loves the right way. By the right way I mean in church.

No one wants a breakthrough at fifty then die at fifty one. How unfair can life be. We all want to eat the fruits of our labour and yet some of you greedy humans just want a taste of someone else's hard work. Please keep your hands and legs where I can see them. Can I be honest majority of the people who use #YouOnlyLiveOnce are fed up loosing and just want in on the action. It doesn't matter where the party is as long as they are invited. Honey have a cactus on me and sit down.

It takes time. Good things usually do. I am not talking about being a saint lands you the dream job but discipline ,hard work and staying true to your calling will cause God bless you even when it's not your season. Look at your life right now. Where is everyone you started out with? Your bestfriends then now not so best or friends. Did you change your dream to earn the title "Accomplished" or are you wondering what happened to you as everyone else got what was theirs?

It is never what is seems. People have mastered and perfected faking it till you make it. Why is it that people who have achieved so much look neglected while those barely making it yo the door earn the title ma'am and Sir.  They try too hard or isn't that what you choose to say to make yourself feel better? It's favour.  God's favour.  That is why mist educated men and women are employed and those with no degrees are the ones dictating your salaries.  Papers and beauty are of no use when it comes to God. He looks deep within the same way ladies when we see a very good looking man with an average looking lady and we think he can do better. He was not fascinated by beauty and no its not because he hadn't met your arrogant, self centered and shallow self.

I respect men who chase women with character and personality. If you want the best you have to sacrifice.  When God decides to bless you he doesn't need people's opinions. It doesn't matter if you are ratchet or a self proclaimed saint when it's your time to change baby, you are not ready. We can escape it all thanks to technology but we can't outsmart and outrun God.

And that is my #RealityCheck

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