Monday 21 March 2016

My Easter Lesson

We all know of the betrayal of Jesus. And this is my own conclusions from what I learn from the story.  Jesus being the son of God was a big deal. I mean he came to save mankind so in as much as you and I are made in the image of God, we will never be as a bigger deal as Jesus was so learn to be fine with who you are.

Let's get to the juicy part shall we. Jesus being the Messiah he was betrayed and yet we always act as though we don't deserve to be betrayed.  You will be especially if you are good. In as much as Jesus was the sone of God he was brought up in a humble way. They called him the son of a carpenter. People tried to put him in his place everytime he "broke the rules". By this I mean most of us were not privileged to be raised with diamonds and pearls and for the men rolex and Bentley but in you going out of the "poverty circle" people always want to remind you of who they knew you by and not who you are destined to be. I feel like preaching .

If Jesus came in form of a spirit then today you and I would not relate but him being human and enduring what we all go through at one point in life be it false accusations or serving a purpose higher than those around you makes it easier for us to understand that this too shall pass. He tried praying it away and just like you and I sometimes we only want the good and the best. We find ourselves praying out if not painful seasons away. But just like Jesus we all have to face the very same situation you are struggling with. 

Jesus knew that Judas would betray him. Not because Judas was an evil man or maybe he was but the bigger picture is there are people in our lives who always take the easy way out. They will only be present in your life when the going is good but the minute they get someone with more influence,  power and money they will willingly if not gladly bite the hand that feeds them. What amazes me is that it's never a stranger but rather someone who knows you all to well who never gives a second thought to betray you.

This Easter go back to the drawing board. You don't have to to have a migraine overthinking who in the world would do this. Keep your circle small. If by now gentlemen all you do is go out and have a good time with this bromance but he never adds any value in your life and chances are other men can't stand him please do the following. 1. Get rid of that He-She.  That is a female trapped in a man's body and he secretly wishes to be you so no you are not dealing with a human being but a psychopath.  2. Act broke for a week. See who cares enough to call or go the extra mile for you then keep them. Ladies if you don't share the same dreams with your so called girlfriends drop them like they are hot. They could be with you because they want someone you already have or think they can be a prettier younger version of you.

People change. Some in a good ways while others well just let them leave. If by now 2016 you can predict the people in your life and am not talking about family but there are things and people in your life you have to let go and not because they are bad but because just like Jesus you have have been discerning that you need to change .

Sometimes you have to betray the old you to discover the new you. Be your own Judas.

And that is my #RealityCheck

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