Monday 10 June 2019

Let's talk, Shall We

It’s not a cold morning rather it’s a cold world. Have you ever had someone unknowingly on social media come off less than smart. I just hope to God this was just a bad comment and not who you really are in person and unfortunately they end up proving you right.

Let’s talk, shall we!

How do you walk around being this pathetic for lack of a better word if I may. By any chance do you think there is another life out there waiting for you because clearly you are living your worst life in the hope of in that other life you will perhaps finally put your best foot forward? In my mind, am assuming this is the leader of his group (throws up) and is God forbid dating (why) .

Being educated is your right, right? Wrong!

Someone went out of their way for you to get that education. So tell me, why do you reason in such an uncouth manner. What justice are you doing to your brain surely? Do you ever take the time to listen to your words or do you just talk for the sake of talking to appear relevant? In my humble opinion the person who went out of their way for you deserves a better life if not retirement by you living the best real version of yourself right now. Don’t wait to be a better or kind person when you achieve certain goals in life, start now when you are as confused as you will ever be and humbled by lack be it finances,health or even love.

Next time you think of representing yourself please take a moment and just stop. Ask yourself this, am I really putting myself out there in the hopes of reaching out for greatness or am I just being an empty vessel airing my foolishness to the world.

Now you know why life has been serving you harsh #RealityCheck . Don’t just go with the flow, take time to think, rethink and think even harder of how and who you have been attracting.

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