Saturday 1 June 2019

Younger Njeri

Happy new month checkmates! We made it to yet another adventurous and opportunity giving and taking  process. Are you ready? I didn’t grow up in a household where all we shared were hugs and kisses. Are you kidding me! It was more like a military boot camp. I can’t is not a word but an excuse. Don’t start a fire you can’t put out. You must finish it. Having stated that and knowing what I know now, this would be my advice to the younger Njeri.

Baby girl, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. You are one of a kind so let that sink in. As it does don’t ever use that beauty or allow it go to your head that you feel entitled to getting ahead in life just because you are beautiful. You are smarter than that. Speaking of smart, don’t worry about pleasing your family by trying to achieve something that has already been done. You are not an A student and guess what that is okay. At least you are not a D student either. Focus on your strengths. I see how writing those compositions leaves a smile on your smile as you express your thoughts and dreams with a pen and paper. Hold on to that. You will get somewhere with that. It might not open the doors you are hoping but it will keep you grounded. Forget about fitting in. You are meant to draw in crowds not be one.

You will grow into your body eventually. Listen, that figure eight concept might never apply in your entire life and I need you to embrace that. As for trends and fashion, girl that might take you a while to know what works for you so if jeans and sneakers is what rocks your world do it. Thank you for learning to walk in heels at the age of twelve. You will thank yourself one day for that as well. Stop using anything and everything on your face. You have more to offer the world other than getting a smooth face so relax. You are a special girl very hormonal but unique. Go see a dermatologist and lay off fats especially French fries.

Career wise don’t even sweat it. You will have the required qualification but they won’t take a chance on you. Where you think you are supposed to be is not where God will bless you. What is the one course you are afraid of? That’s where God will lead you so you might as well change your attitude. Speaking of attitude life is not a fashion runway so drop all of those female “friends”. This is not a beauty pageant and if it was you think they want the best for you? Again, you will thank me for that.

It’s lonely at the top. I disagree. It’s lonely as you make your way to the top. Work on your relationship with God  first because anyone you place your trust on other than God will fall short of your expectations. I need you to be very open minded. Along the way, you will meet fascinating boys and semi gentlemen. Not everything that glitters is gold. Those are aluminum foils so don’t give them a second thought. You will be misunderstood by many and approached by few. Seek wisdom above everything else. Don’t be hard on yourself and don’t allow others opinions cloys your mind. Listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts. If possible be your own bestfriend although no man is an island ask God to allow the right people in your life.

Be kind. Be patient. Be a decent human being. Love fearlessly, laugh loudly and put yourself out there. Go for what you want and walk away from what you don’t want. State your opinion and stay true to who you are. You deserve the kind of love you have been trying to give everyone else. Give yourself permission to accept help and receive kindness and love from others. Whatever you do, so it passionately so much so that you will leave your mark everywhere you go. Make mistakes. Learn from them. Most importantly, enjoy yourself.

Somedays you will get a #RealityCheck to keep you in line or get you out of your comfort zone. When you know, baby girl you will know then you will become unstoppable. Be free of society and who knows someone somewhere could be waiting for you because you could be their, “Where have you been all my life?”

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