Monday 17 June 2019


I am too lazy to type so am tempted to just copy paste something from the previous year and share it. Not because I am in a bad mood , rather I am in a wonderful mood.

I am vulnerably open to the possibility of falling inlove. Not that I haven’t been comfortable in my own skin but I finally understand the level of freedom one gets when you get rid of fear. I am excited over the unknown.

I just wanted a good man with everything good in him.

So bring him. I want his bad as well. Whatever his demons are it doesn’t take away the fact that he is rather tries to be a decent human being.

I woke up inlove with love and facing this day with nothing but love to give. So if am extra nice or smile more, it has nothing to do with what’s going on around me leave alone the world.

God is making a way in the waste land so live well because you are a chosen treasured possession. I choose love above everything else. True love ❤.

Consider this my Man~Day #RealityCheck

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