Saturday 12 June 2021

Boaz always knew

Can I preach? Can I testify? Pastor may I approach the congregation and witness the faithfulness of The Lord? I don’t have anything tangible to show or own but my heart is full. I know I sound ridiculous but I have never made more sense than I am right now. Am a verified sinner

I know I switch from spiritual to ratchet in seconds but my flesh has needs. Am as needy as they come. If it’s not the caress of a manly man, now not just any man can handle this let’s keep it 💯. Music will have to soothe my soul. Poetry stokes it sometimes but it’s not enough. Tomorrow’s sermon is dangerously good. Njeri you must be a faithful Christian? Listen, sometimes I don’t even make it in time for church. I arrive and everyone else is leaving. Service is over.I just show up to honor God. It has never been in vain. I somehow always get my word.

No one will ever ask anything of and from you unless they know you have it in you. That right there is a sermon on its own. The Bible is the most romantic book in the world. It’s hot. Let me give you a little taste of my take of this beautiful word. Let’s talk about RUTH. Let me expound on my previous statement. Naomi asked Ruth to go do her thing because she knew Ruth had it in her to DELIVER. In plain English, to do her thing. Which she did effortlessly. See what I get from all that, is that Ruth was a freak! I mean aren’t we all?

It takes two to tango. Boaz was equally a freak. As soon as Ruth showed up, that son of a woman could smell her from miles away. That's why in Ruth 2:4 And behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem and kept it polite because he was man of God. See that didn’t stop him from being a manly man. Read verse 5. You will always recognize your tribe. The little boy in him, the playful side came out when his curiosity got him asking about her because something in him knew she was exactly what he always wanted. I need to stop blogging and go drink some water because am a little turned on.

I will never get tired of repeating this. There is always someone watching. As that servant was talking Ruth up, something tells me Boaz was getting hot and bothered. It excited everything in him and if not why then in verse 8 was he all possessive and territorial? That’s foreplay for you are mine 💯. In chapter 3:8 lets me know how bad Boaz had it for Ruth. It’s just that he was a God fearing man, otherwise he would have easily had his way with her. He had been thinking about her. Why didn’t he chase her away or embarrass her. When he said she showed more kindness in the latter than in the beginning means he desired her. His entire being was yearning for her. He thought about it. He fantasized. When he woje up in the middle of the night and saw her, it brought him more satisfaction. Remember back in those days, it was all about God and wealth. Am sure the town had beautiful women both young and old who practically threw themselves at him. 

Boaz always knew. 

Am just here to confirm something to somebody out there. If they ask you to tone it down, he/she is neither Boaz nor Ruth. Both of you should be on the same page speaking the same unspoken language. Your man or woman will recognize the freak in you because it takes one to know one #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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