Saturday 26 June 2021

They are refining moments

You can’t offer the entire world your shoulder to lean on. That’s a lot of baggage and certain burdens are unnecessary. Am not saying I won’t lend a hand but I need the world to also understand that we are all learning our lessons differently. I am blogging and teaching today.

You know how sometimes it appears as if the grass is greener on the other side like some people have it all, it’s not the case. More money more problems and less money crazy problems. The only difference is, they get to cry in an expensive area code while you are stuck in the village. Everyone is going through it. They have just mastered a way to not let it show or overwhelm them. Especially if they have an image to maintain, they will never show it publicly but in private, they are punching themselves and breaking down in ways one can’t imagine.

There are people with men don’t cry approach and others with I can’t keep it together way of life. Expressing yourself doesn’t make you weak, it shows a sign of strength. We all need each other. Don’t be the old me. Too proud to assume you don’t need help.

When someone checks up on you, that’s God showing concern and love. Don’t push people away when they offer you a helping hand because you have always had to do it on your own before. Those rare times when you go through it silently is when you are meant to learn certain lessons on your own. Everyone has had such terrifying times. I call them God and you moments. When He makes you listen and pay attention. They are refining moments. He shows you what’s and who’s is meant to be important moving forward. Everything changes #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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