Wednesday 30 June 2021

To take it in. To take me in

I liked how he stared at me. He intentionally sat there to stare at me. To take it in. To take me in. It wasn’t a matter of him wanting to but it was more or less a need. A basic necessity in a way. He yearned for me. I missed that. I had forgotten how good that felt. I had lost my sense of smell but all that came back when he stood up and as he walked right past me, I smelled him. I took him in. I took all of him in. This time I took my time and I slightly shut my eyes. 

He was refreshing and awoke senses and desires I only felt with another man. I spoke of unfinished business in my previous blog. That is way over. The situation wrapped itself up. This is new adventure. I now understand why one would walk away from years of commitment for just one strange glance. The way he looked at me felt right. I had lost myself in being about others yet here was this breathtaking human who made it all about me. That's all it takes one. It could be a touch but in my case it was eye contact. 

My poetry side comes to life on two occasions. When am extremely sad and when am excited. As I write this I realize it’s as if I took my life back. I was neither living nor surviving. I was just alive for the sake of being and staying alive. Am reminded of why I took a break.

It's as if i took my time to smell the roses. He looked incredible. Something about his presence caught my undivided attention. He had me feeling like a little girl. It’s as if he saw right through my silenced romance. I haven’t felt this shy in years. I didn’t want him to leave. And he didn’t. He sat right behind me and started rocking my chair. For those of you wondering how he smelled like, divine. What my mind gathered was he is indeed an amazing lover. 

He woke something in me.

Goodness, his eyes. They had so much desire and life in them, that I was almost overwhelmed by such life. He scared me because he watched me as I was busy being myself. I was comfortable around him. What a dreamy, jaw dropping, sexy man #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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