Monday 14 June 2021

Dating is scary

Dating is scary. You are attracted to someone who at some point in their life found someone else attractive. They were hoping that person was it for them. That is scary right? Come to think of it, it’s as if we are basically recycling the crap out of each other. Pick and drop 🤯

We were having our usual deep conversation with my BFF and allow me to share some of the harsh realization life throws at all of us. Imagine God has granted you 90 years of life on earth. How old are you currently? 90 minus (now). Let’s assume you are single,dating or married. I want you now to imagine the life you always wanted and with whom you thought it would be with. What happened? What changed? If life unfolded differently and you ended up with them, are you convinced the outcome would be better? Now focus on your #RealityCheck

You have done and somehow accomplished everything that was “expected of you”. As a husband/wife, father/mother and son/daughter. You have done society proud. But every night, you go to bed empty. You are the loneliest man/lady alive even in the arms of your lover. Singles be out there envying your life while married couples use you as an example of how love looks like. You have held it together for so long but now the glue is coming off. It’s not that he has been unfaithful, or she stopped being supportive but reality has caught up. You convinced yourself so many times you were doing the right thing but you committed injustice to yourself by burying your feelings and denying yourself the opportunity to be truly happy. Everything from finances to your domestic life is fine but your heart is in pieces. This is not you being ungrateful for that amazing job which paid the bills and even supported various orphanages. It’s not you waking up in a failed union from traumas of physical and mental abuse. Everything is okay, but you are not. You have nothing more to give.

You can’t throw in the towel because remember God gave you 90years to live. You might have afew diseases here and there but not enough to take you out. You are basically stuck on this beautiful earth. Who know He might just add you 10 more years. What’s your point? Good question. The biggest battle you will ever fight is with yourself. As a lady it will take me more time to get over a break up as opposed to a man or so I always assumed. Just because he doesn’t pick up the phone and call you doesn’t mean he stopped loving you. He just chose not to show it.

New relationships are exciting. The adventures and romance. It keeps you occupied for a while until the getaways are his/her way of making it up to you. Yikes!!! How many more years do you plan on overworking and over-proving yourself? How many more years do you have left? Do you even have the energy to keep up? 

Sometimes you have to know when to fight and when to stop fighting with yourself. The good news is you still have the 90year mark to achieve. Life is just getting more interesting so #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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