Wednesday 6 January 2016


Happy new year checkmates. 

I am beginning to slowly understand why things had to happen to me the way they did in the past. It was not because I was bad or did something worth the pain and disappointments but because I had to be prepared for now.

Sometimes you lack for you to appreciate the *little* you have. Sometimes you are sick to appreciate that good health is a blessing and not a right. Sometimes you sacrifice for others not because they are incapable of doing the same but for better things to find you along the way . Sometimes you have to have been in the same situation for you to fully understand someone going through the same without judgement. 

Being calm is a gift that only those patient enough in life truly appreciate.  When you are frustrated somehow it humbles you. If you are wise enough you will evaluate your ways and approach in life. Things are never the same again. You get to know who is meant to be in your life the hard way.  Now this is where my #RealityCheck comes in.

This year, I still don't have concrete resolutions.  I am rather a let God surprise me kind of woman of faith. One thing I am sure of though is that am willing to learn and love throughout the entire journey. A cat has nine lives so at the end of it all, I want to be remembered as the lady who loved as though she had nine hearts. I have room to accommodate more of what life has to offer me.

To new #RealityChecks .......
Here! Here!

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