Monday 18 January 2016

Night challenge

Yes, I have just been given a night challenge. To do what you may ask? It's rather silly to me but a reality to someone else. Find someone to sleep next to every night . His words not mine. He is such a hilarious gentleman but enough about him.

I don't mind females insinuating that am growing old after all that is what we are good at using the age card to win arguments. Oh please I am still young ....No you are not grandma *giggles* That right there ladies and gentlemen is a talk to land any human being in the enemy zone .

When a man walks up to you and suggests you "do something about your love life" to me that is the ultimate wake up call. Here I thought I am holding it down for team single *laughs* but it turns out my status has been causing afew men some sleepless nights . Why is it ladies that when one man suggests something to us we always claim that most if not all men said the same. It could be because one man's opinion is the same of that if the rest or we could be in serious relationships with illusion.

Forgive me for what am about to write but has it ever occurred to people who are "taken" that I too want a companion but unlike you I will not rush or insist on a love that doesn't exist. Don't get me wrong am happy for you but am single not because no man is asking me out but because I haven't met someone worth waking up next to. A night of stolen kisses and caresses with an available man cannot compare to getting butterflies over someone who takes your breath away or so I imagine.

I am not saying what you have is not real or what I will get will be perfect but I am willing to wait for that kind of love. Now that is my singlehood #RealityCheck.

Have a good night checkmates

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