Thursday 7 January 2016

We all have weight issues

It's the first week of the new year and am sure most of us are battling with this monster that unfortunately cannot be brushed aside. Some of you gained weight during the festive season while the rest of us and by us I mean me, am battling with maintaining my weight.

The most unfortunate thing that can ever happen to someone who has ever gained weight in all the right areas is loosing it and trying to gain it all back. Don't get me wrong, it feels good to be able to rock a tank top or a bra say in a club and show off you flat stomach but eventually it gets old. This is how you know you are in your own level of contentment when you give up the one thing that society thinks they need to be happy.

Society is not my enemy, I have become my own worst enemy trying to get back to where I was. Pushing my body too hard yet frankly speaking no one cares. Everyone else is busy chasing success and not worrying themselves if that old pair of Jeans will still fit me. He is my new theory, if it doesn't fit, get a new one. If those cute flat shoes no longer flatter your feet, get a manicure and a doll shoe while at it. I call it the level up #RealityCheck.  Ladies the same way we raise standards when deciding if that man is right for us why not do the same with our body issues? With our weight to be specific. 

Take a good long hard look at yourself and tell yourself,  you know what baby girl, you will never be a size zero or bigger than this so make the most of it and flaunt it. We are quick to camouflage it by wearing brightly coloured , too short or too tight clothing. Dress as though you are taking yourself out on an expensive date. While you are busy trying to enhance that behind, the one with all that junk in the trunk is wishing if only someone would like them for their character and personality and not over the fact that they have a round behind.

One man's gold is another man's poison and vice versa and that is life for you. So this year, appreciate your imperfections because what you "lack body wise" God makes it up character wise and society,  sadly society will always expect more.

And that is my #RealityCheck

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