Saturday 23 January 2016

Pre - harvest

That is what I would call this. A pre - harvest because it's not the actual harvest but what comes right before.  They usually come in form of surprises. Sure you had thought of it long ago but due to the current circumstances it's not even a thought. Have you ever believed in something or someone to the extend of praying about it , hoping that this time in as much as everything else takes too long to come to pass this one has to come true. It must. What others would call radical faith.

Months or days later you talk yourself out of your 'harvest' because to be honest we all get tired. When you least expect it as life goes on, life no God has a weird way of answering your prayers. It's true what I have heard and read that when you are good to people, they forget. When you go out of your way for others they will never go out of their way for you in return. When you stay loyal people will quickly betray you . That doesn't change who you are in the end. That is their decision not yours so don't be mad if they don't text you back or drop whatever they are doing to go out of their way for you. They don't owe you anything not even an explanation leave alone an apology for not rising to your occasion .

When you humbly be yourself without getting anything in return it doesn't make you weak or an easy target. It makes you independent, confident and comfortable in your own skin.  You have something they all see in you but will never tell you. Secretly they admire you.  It may not be immediately it never is anyway but when you least expect it when it's truly your season to be celebrated God will surprise you in the very same way you always pictured it only this time it's real. It will be speechlessly amazing.  That much I can assure and guarantee . Continue to do good because the right "person" *God* is watching and planing your reward when you need it the most.

And that is my #RealityCheck

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