Sunday 10 January 2016

Facial chronicles

As I write this, I have no idea what title to give it. Should it be it's never what it seems, beware , be warned, health marketers because those are some of the words to describe some of the ladies misleading genuine health and skin nutritionist. The worst thing to ever do is not play or toy around with a woman's heart but her beauty. It's the one thing that comes naturally so please if you are a marketer just say it, am hear to promote this product but please don't mislead naive or desperate women going through a nervous breakdown.

The most important feature in a woman's body is her face. Even I the religious believer of character and personality knows that. So today am sharing my experience.  A while back who am I kidding I started battling with my skin and in particular my face when I went to high school.  That borehole forgive me if some of you are trying to figure out what that means but I guess at the time, times were hard and there was a water shortage. Just by writing that I feel so sorry for myself like how poor was that *giggles* . I assure you, it wasn't but we had to survive somehow.  The tap water was also not skin friendly and so I developed rushes. At first I thought it was due to 'that time of the month' but later it got worse.

Diamonds are not a girls best friend, paranoia is. We are our own worst enemies and just like that I became my own doctor.  Nothing worked and so I went with the flow though deep down I was falling apart considering I was in a mixed school. The best thing to ever happen after the four years of self inflicted torture was ponds make up. It was the original and expensive type and that is when things got a bit better. I have discovered that where most if not all of us go wrong is not in the beginning trying to plan or organise but in maintaining be it friendship or relationship. I couldn't afford to maintain the sudden facial lifestyle that began as a gift.

I tried every trick in the book but the more I researched the worse I made it. I even came to the conclusion that I had acne. I was hard on myself looking back. That was a harsh term to use on myself . Google the meaning of acne and then click on images and you will realize what you have is nothing compared to what others go through. Were they red? Ofcourse not. But they felt red. Again paranoia was who I was dating at the moment. Google zit and click on images.

Someone adviced on how they used the simple products ( Simple toner,  Simple mosturiser etc) to help clear their skin so I went and purchased the products. I thought to myself what an angel, a sisters keeper.  Well, I took my words back. Later on they confessed of how garnier bb cream worked wonders and like a fool spent so much only for my face to feel like a cake *to many layers* heavy! That is when I realised that they were just hired to market products online and I felt so cheated .

I took matters in my own hands and did my own research. That is when it hit me. I had neglected my body. I had a serious dislike for water. So when I tried out the seven glasses a day theory, I started to see results. Later on I discovered my feeding habits were poor as well. Ladies, the only reason why I got zits was because I consumed too much of french fries. Day in day out, I was a french fry ambassador. The minute I changed my diet to water and less greesy foods my face looks amazing. Not just my face but my skin is soft and glows.

If you have the resources, ladies get a nutritionist. A second opinion from a professional. Take the time to learn and understand your skin and body. My #RealityCheck was when cheap became very expensive .

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