Wednesday 29 May 2019

Now I remember

When the right time comes (God's timing)  indeed I will vlog but until then kindly allow me to encourage and bless you all with my mistakes and the lessons I have learnt along the maturity road. I am still not there yet. Incase no one told you today ladies, that little effort you made putting on the make up or dressing up, that didn't go unnoticed. Sometimes we assume that just because no one applauds our efforts, it was all in vain. I assure you, they saw you, haters and admirers alike they just couldn't gather the courage because offering you a compliment is not enough. Keep your head held hire. Chin up darling and keep it up! Gentlemen ofcourse I have your backs as well. Don't think that cologne went unnoticed and the haircut! Wait a minute, are those new shoes? Listen, am not a man but I assume even men blush. The mere fact that you always offer and are a gentleman around ladies is not something to term as usual. I salute you for keeping the old fashioned man alive in an era where "men have become boys". Am sorry.

Wow, now I remember what my ex told me and this was when things were over the moon between us. Jess (that was my high school nickname)  you are the kind of girl I always go to the supermarket and gaze up at that one item on the top shelf and even if I saved up enough and that would take me a lifetime, I still could never afford you. Looking back at it now, this in a way is a prophecy.  I am not just saying that because we went our separate ways but sometimes we know some of these things and can't force blessings. Think about it. How many times have people separated you from the "us" mentality with such words or even bigger and better? Think long and hard child of God rethink then think agsin! If so, wish them well and run baibee run before you learn the hard way.

Being the supportive human being I have always been and I pray to God I never lose sight of this gift, I used to make him feel like a "man" I mean he was just a boy and I a simple girl by assuring him that he was not only good enough but he would make it in life. I didn't stick around to see any of his achievements but I wish him well in all his endeavours. He betrayed my trust by lying to me so you understand my hesitation. All is well even after such a #RealityCheck

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