Friday 9 October 2020

Could it be?

Can this beautiful game end already. I am tired. I need to focus on something else. What I have come to realize is that I am loyal. That’s how I am in real life not just with this game. If my heart is not in something or is suspicious about someone, I will stand alone and firm in my opinion. I just trust my gut feeling and so one minute I will seem full of something or someone then the next I will slowly disappear leaving no trace. If I sense pride, am out and if I sense humility am in. It’s something I learned from a very young age. I can’t explain it.

Where are my manners? I just woke up. Everything is as it was last night other than a new day and new thoughts. Good Morning this Saturday shocking day. If am a lady and am this shocked about the basketball game, I can only imagine how gentlemen out there who equally love the game are feeling emotionally. This is not just a game. This is very PERSONAL. Why does it feel as if we are breaking up? It doesn't feel as if it's just basketball am referring to but something else. Someone. Could it be? 

If you follow me on social media, you will see just how passionate I am about everything I do,so this game is driving me insane. I have one weakness which is actually a strength. I make up my mind way too fast. When I have given my all, I always leave.

What I realized earlier on in life especially when depression hit me hard is this. Even when you are down, life goes on. Life actually passes you by. Staying down or sad won’t slow life or time. Life will pass you by. So I decided to always keep going regardless. It’s not that I don’t care. I do. I just won’t dwell on it. I always remind myself of how life passed me by angry while the party that caused the anger lived. Being bitter took everything away from me. So I tried being better which I found amusing. It replaced everything around me. In playing basketball I felt free and unstoppable. I haven’t played it but I have a feeling I will soon when the time is right. It’s like falling inlove. I don’t need to date around to achieve that feeling seeing as I have been single for years. I am not a pro but I know love.

I am not into facts. Am not into that mumbo jumbo. I trust my gut feeling. There are people who force situations but am the opposite. I will happily walk away from any situation which makes me either feel uncomfortable or unappreciated especially when I have done my best by them.

This game has exhausted me. It feels as though I was in a relationship. I don’t stick around for wins unfortunately. All that matters to me is leaving a mark. An impact. A difference. A game changer. What follows after win or lose doesn’t matter to me. Getting an opportunity is more important. It’s everything to me. What you do with your opportunity is entirely up to you. I will focus on my love for cars the minute this is over. I love this game 🏀

Sometimes life surprises you but that can only happen if you grab the opportunity. Right now mine is #MyMagazineThoughts

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