Friday 30 October 2020

I have acne-prone skin

I stopped wearing make up two years ago. I had gone all out. I tried the best of face wash but the worse it got. I eventually went and sought the advice of a dermatologist a year later but that’s where my frustrations begun. 

I have acne-prone skin. 

It’s not only irritating but annoying sometimes. In a way you become a victim of self enslavement. You can’t do what everyone is doing without second guessing yourself. You constantly talk yourself out of simple things like dressing up and even dating. It’s a moment killer. 

Being uncomfortable in your own skin sometimes messes with your self esteem. When people look at you, you always assume the worst. I am not attractive and that’s why things never look up so your inner voice keeps telling you everytime you are faced with new opportunities. 

It’s not for you. It’s not for people like you. 

I am confident but even the best can be brought to their knees with certain realizations. It’s not what others tell you, it’s what you tell yourself. It doesn’t help when you are busy beating yourself down and those around you say nothing to silence those negative thoughts. 

Wherever you find comfort, you hold on and cling to it. It’s wrong but you must survive either way. So I decided to stop hiding behind make up and invest in my skin. If I can purchase products worth thousands, I can do the same with my skin. And so, this is my face updated journal. 

I am beautiful. Anyone would be lucky to know me. Having a problematic face doesn’t define my character and personality. It’s besides the point. My face is a by the way. I can either wear these few pimples proudly or hide them. My choice. Hiding won’t solve anything. It makes me less attractive. 

If am waiting for someone to come bring out the best in me while all I see is flaws, I might as well forget about happiness altogether. It’s my job to make myself happy. I must be comfortable enough for the same to reflect on the outside. See the problem was not my face but rather my attitude. Awaiting sympathy which unfortunately never arrived. 

So I stopped everything and I dedicated my face to God. I know it sounds silly but to me praying should have been the first step. In praying you are not kneeling there keeping it brief and sweet on how you want to stop being relying on creams which in actual sense are steroids but you seek freedom from deep within yourself. 

Today am going for my second micro needling session. I needed all those pores open. What I have learnt so far is this. First, change how you view yourself. Second, the cleaner your face the more relaxed your entire system becomes. Third, what works for you, take it and run with it. You don’t have to rely on creams or medication. Fourth, moisturize. Stay moisturized. I have oily skin and previously used products to dry my skin out which in my case is where I was going wrong. Five, learn and understand your skin especially your face. Six, watch your diet. Again, I am not saying starve yourself but ensure you watch what you eat. Seven, appreciate yourself. Do what makes you happy responsibly. Don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t punish yourself but isolating what makes you amazing. 

I hope this helps anyone out there who feels like they are in this alone. You are beautiful and hiding it won’t make the minor issue go away. No issue is ever permanent if you come to think of it. How you handle it is the key to how you overcome it. 

Bring that bold lady back. There is more to you than you assume when it comes to your face. It’s time to face reality. Let’s face it, this are #MyMagazineThoughts

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