Wednesday 21 October 2020

You will start to attract your kind and crowd.

You can get used to people going out of their way for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I am not one of those lucky people. Life is so funny. I love life. I live for this kind of life where just when things are about to unfold, God changes the script. SURPRISE!!!

2020 is mind blowing. What if I freaked you out and told you that all those bad breaks and few none celebrated quick moments has been someone’s life? 2020 is a summary of someone’s life story. Not just afew bad breaks, their entire life has been this huge emotional thing? We are talking of months but someone somewhere has been living and reliving this for years. Like I said some are lucky to have a system to help them survive life while most are torn, confused and lost. Physically it may not show but emotionally and mentally it’s total chaos.

I am speaking from experience. From trying to giving in, giving up and deciding to embrace the unknown. If you think about it really, it’s nothing new just comes off different as it hasn’t been explored to it’s full potential. It’s hard at first, everything always is.

People in 2020 are in fear of one of the two. Losing it all and it not working out. You have either lost it all before or know someone who did and saw what that did to them. Thus majority are afraid of losing it all.  Fear is a deceiving monster . I say fear is good. Whenever you are faced with fear you find yourself looking for an alternative. True or false? Fear brings out a silent yet brave side in all of us. 2020 is the introduction of learning to lose things and people who no longer serve in your purpose. Think about it.

If it matters and it costed you, would you really let it go? Because you understand and appreciate the value it gives and brings. I am not talking about the people around you but the person you thought you were. The old you you had to lose to find who you have always been. It’s not just dawning on you that you never cared, you just wanted to believe you did that’s why when it came time to let it go, it didn’t hurt as much as you told yourself it would. It doesn’t bother you. That’s what scares you.

Now that you have realized this, it not working out is the real fear. So what happens? You find yourself creating a system. Going back is never an option. That’s why I started off by saying some are lucky enough to have people go out of their way for them. They already knew this.

2020 is shaping you for what awaits. What you thought was going to happen isn’t. What you never imagined would happen is. This is my humble opinion of what is and about to happen. There is a big surprise on the way.

You can force and convince yourself all you but if it’s not it for you, you will gladly let go of it. You finally stop chasing after things and people while those things and people meant to be in your life will show up. You will start to attract your kind and crowd.

You no longer have to question if you are good enough or not because what and where you are meant to be will be in sync. 2020 is a great year if you accept yourself for who you are. This is the best of #MyMagazineThoughts as you read this and see the truth. My truth and yours.

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