Saturday 3 October 2020

It's true

People only want to support you when you are winning. In all honesty, what’s there to support when you get to the top? When you get your breakthrough what else is there to say? Other than reflect on the hardship and difficulties to get there. Good Morning sweethearts, let us talk...

This is not going to sit well with people who consider themselves as “movements”. Answer me this,”Are you a housefly?” Why do you want to be everywhere? Why are you everywhere? Everywhere where there is a win for that matter. I said we are talking here,remember! Let’s get deeper. I view life differently. I am not a come one come all human being. The more the merrier type of person. I am a the less the better. If you are not with me when am losing especially if you know me, please don’t invite yourself when I am winning. That’s not arrogance that’s honesty. If there is anything I hate other than lies is hypocrisy. People are quick to assume you are jealous which I don’t even know the meaning of when in actual sense you are simply not bother. Some people don’t even know one’s story but they want association as soon as they see a win.

Unfortunately ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing for you here if by now you haven’t seen anything amazing in me. If you can’t make time for me when I am at my lowest I doubt you will ever have the energy to help celebrate my achievements. Let’s be mature. I don’t want you to shake my hand when I win, I need you to hold my hand as I fall and try to rise up again. What I have come to realize about myself is that am the happiest cheering people who are down and low. As soon as they win, I am out. On to a new project/person.

The best opportunity in life when you offer someone your support when they are not in a position to offer themselves much. It doesn’t have to be much. It could be a simple encouragement time and again or that undying assurance that things won’t always stay the same. That’s why am quick to share my down stories as opposed to my victory ones. You will never appreciate good news if you have never had an experience with bad news. I am keen to notice people who walk in and out of my life. When was this and why? If I can answer that honestly then I can handle anything coming my way. I never want to miss out on a true friend just because am focused on winning or the loss is too much. I don’t do what I do to get validation, I do it because that’s who I am. We will not hang out if by now we already don’t.

Don’t step on my toes and expect me to apologize. But Njeri what happened to being mature? What happens when you attack a bee? It will sting you. Common sense people common fucking sense. Two wrongs don’t make it right. Fuck that bullshit. Be the bigger person my ass. It’s true

We have all had instances where we have let God down by forgetting we are Christians. You never thought you had it in you until that fateful time *evil laughter*. Allow me to laugh at all of us *moment of loud laughter*. Good times *wipes off imaginary tears*. What a long process.

Never forget how far God has brought and delivered you so much so that when you win, you make about yourself. There are people who will genuinely wish you well and those who will always remind you of the hard times you have had to endure. You deserve to win. Not based on hardwork but because it will be your turn. Your time. God will bless you simply because He is God. Don’t be alarmed when the very same people will want association and change the story from opposing to supporting you when you win. Even in the presence of a harvest weeds will show up.

Don’t ever forget who you are even when you win. Sometimes even wins are short lived. Capitalize on every opportunity. Some wins are rare. With every loss comes an unexpected win most people miss out on. With #MyMagazineThoughts you can be the few who can identify and grab the win.

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