Friday 22 January 2021

Am shooting for other planets.

Let me begin by saying it’s important to take a step back. Sunday was such a gift. That preaching spoke to my soul. Giving is hard. It doesn’t take away the fact that, you require the same “attention” if not more. Receiving is easy or so most would assume. To me it speaks volumes. It actually means you are in need for that same thing for it to serve it’s purpose perfectly. I was in need. Am good to go especially if you know me on a personal level. Njeri is a certified warrior. Am an army on my own. Those few times am down, God it’s a matter of life and death not because life is unpredictable but we spend half if not most of our lives living entitled. Everything is your right. I have a different understanding of approaching life. Everything we have, we have been ENTRUSTED with. We must account for our God given gifts.

Don’t take anything for granted. I know I joke around and assume everything is a sign and that nothing is a coincidence but it’s true. This year, am keeping things extremely simple. Where I can make a difference, I will drop my magic and where I can’t, I will offer my back view.

This year is full of so many opportunities. I would hate to wake up 2022 and when I look back at the time I wasted on trying to make dead relationships, unfulfilling tasks and boring company when I could have had a single moment of genuine happiness with people who appreciated me. This would lead me to depression. So am making a declaration,am here for myself and everyone else who is about themselves and others. Am not shooting for the sky, stars nor moon. Am shooting for other planets. Am all about life changing tasks. What’s the one thing you are sure you can NEVER accomplish? That should be your only AGENDA 2021. Mediocre is okay but so is a fart after a long day of constipation. Ama need you to switch it up. Life is a gift. To think you could have done more than settle. To think that there is more. How about this, to KNOW more awaits.

It’s okay 2021 to say no. It’s very okay to say YES. If we are children of the most high God and He is the giver of the rare things in life, why do we walk around begging and fighting for crumbs like dogs? FUCK THAT SHIT!!!

You are not going to like my language or me but am TIRED of amazing people down playing themselves into believing this is it. This is all life has to offer. As long as am Njeri and I have life in me, I WILL NEVER LET YOU GIVE UP. Not on my watch baibèé. You will WIN. So, if you are done throwing yourself a broke pity party (are you in the house or on holiday?) like I said BROKE pity party. I am not one to lie to you either. Listen, am equipping you with all the winning tools. People will try and remind you later on of how broke you were. See what I did there? WERE. You won’t be broke much longer. They will use that to break you but remember there is no such thing as bad publicity. If you start this on a weak foundation, you won't make it out alive. They will try and bury you so flip that situation and spin it to your advantage. Reverse psychology. You will get there as soon as you get back on your feet. That’s a strategy for another day. 

Wash you face and let you in on

Step one (1) we only beg God. You are going to need a moisturizer after this. We will start asking on our knees with our heads bowed down in tears. You are about to be real honest with God. No more cute or short prayers. You MUST make time for God. You MUST put Him first.

Step two(2) have a vision board. Don’t be alive for the sake of it. I don’t want you to visualize things that are easy or comfortable. I need you to push yourself 2021. Think beyond accomplishments. What makes you stand out? Ask your friend(s) and not the ones you invite over to come sing praises of your basic finances while in actual sense they celebrate your downfalls on WhatsApp. Don’t be naive, they don’t like you. Do they know that you wake up at the crack of dawn questioning why you are alive? They that know your dark side are your friends. They whosee past the mistakes and still talk greatness over that cloud of shame, darkness and dreams are the ones am talking about. Those are keepers. Everyone else deserves an instant block. Unfollow that foolishness. Why do you even entertain and tolerate that nonsense? BYE!

Step three(3) keep a positive attitude. Protect your energy. Am not insinuating everyone is going to like you but they better come at you CORRECT. You can get it wrong while getting it right but don’t dwell on the issues that are less beneficial. Don’t waste your time 2021.

Most important everything you do, do it with love and compassion. Don’t date out of pity, sympathy or gratitude. Be kind and with humility. Everything you have and are, you owe it all to God. His mercies and love got you here so #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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