Saturday 9 January 2021

dopest version of yourself baibèé.

I don’t know. So I tweet that? Okay. We have all had a crush on someone. We have all liked someone. Perhaps we have all fallen inlove. If you haven’t 2021 it should be a priority. Write it down. Love hurts Njeri. I know, but it also brings with it beautiful memories.

Am in bed smiling foolishly as always to myself enjoying the view from the window. I am going down memory lane. I can’t stop laughing. No blue sky but you know what, it’s a beautiful day. It’s going to be a marvelous day ahead. I need you to block out the pain today. Don’t focus on what you lost and what’s not there. I need you to blur out the face on who that person was for a second and  remember how happy he or she mad you feel at that particular moment. At some point they made you laugh. Why was that? When things were good between you two what did that person tell you about yourself? The reason why I asked you to blur their face is because we aren’t focusing on who hurt you but how they made you feel. 2021 is not about the pain but rather the GAIN. When you are happy, that’s the dopest version of yourself baibèé.

When was the last time someone was crazy about you? When was the last time someone looked at you admiringly and got you blushing like an idiot with your grown self. You know it’s been a while and a compliment is good when you call upon the name of The Lord. Oh God! Jesus!!!

When was the last time you told someone you love them and meant it? When did we get so comfortable that we no longer tell each other you are beautiful or handsome? What do you even like about this person? If love was easy, we would all be falling in and out of love but it’s not. They let you in, so you are lovable. You allowed yourself to care and love them back and that is who I want you to embrace back. You don’t stop living because life is hard. Why then do we stop loving? They failed to meet your expectations so you shut yourself out from loving.

So now, we are in the present life. Here comes the hard uncomfortable questions. Did they move on? Did they fall inlove with someone else? Rebound or not, it’s not you in the picture is it? Why are you still stuck on a ship that sailed or like the Titanic one that sunk?

Read my last blog, I didn’t bring any baggages. Why are you always carrying your past with you? Do you know how unattractive that is? Who wants that? Njeri, if they want me, they must take my pain with me. Do you ever have happy or good moments? Why don’t you share them instead?

Your past is inevitable but don’t over accessorize it. It’s not cute. Don’t take out your frustrations on a new relationship with old baggages. I am not saying you assume it either but don’t stay hurt and expect love to automatically take the pain away. Work on your truth.

2021,leave all that behind you. Give yourself a break. Better yet give yourself an opportunity to open up to the many possibilities life and love has to offer. Surprise yourself. Let love in goddamnit. Let it all the way in. Fall inlove again #LetsFallInlove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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