Wednesday 27 January 2021

I freed myself from the past.

Goodbye old friend. Today marks the end of a good year. I believed more to a point I almost don’t want to let it go but I have to. I pushed myself more. I took chances more. I gave last year my very best. I grew more into my purpose. I slowly shook off old habits of fear.

Am happy sad looking back. Happy to know I did my very best. I had nothing left to say, blog, encourage or give. I exhausted all possibilities and opportunities. I went above and beyond. Sad though because it felt as if I was planting as opposed to harvesting. I went the extra mile and broke barriers around me and within in. Last year in a very long time is when I looked myself in the mirror and loved everything I saw. I started seeing myself the way God sees me. I stopped hiding and started living in the moment offering my truth. I try to be open but last year, I was like a flower. I started opening up again. Allowing myself to laugh, like, admire and take my time. I was beautiful afraid of letting myself down. I was intentional with my thoughts, words and actions. I freed myself from the past.

Am sad to let it go because it played a very huge role. In a way, it paved the way. Everything I asked God for last year, I received. I owe last year to God. I owe everything and all and any more achievements to God. That was all God. It had nothing to do with me.

Thank you God for last year and the previous years. If am still here, I have so much work to do. I stopped questioning why me to why not me. Everything and everyone in my life is there strategically. Thank you for my family and my friend. More so for those who challenge me.This last day, I am grateful and thankful to God. Without Him, I would be trash. People would use and abuse me. His patience with my stubbornness. His tender mercies and never ending love overwhelms me. The way God believes in me to do the job and guarantee victory for His name.

Am at a place in my life where I would rather lose the love of my life than lose who I am in God. I have seen men and friends walk in and out of my life. Being able to do something for someone else is victory to me. It beats generational wealth. Are you trustworthy?

To everyone I gave a cold shoulder, you deserved it. I no longer care and don’t wish to be bothered going forward. As of last year, I recognized my worth. It’s not only knowing what I want but who I am. I am focused on who and what God has aligned for me. Everything is infront.

Slow down and smell the roses. That’s what I kept telling myself before. Turns out am born for speed baibèé. That was then and this is me ow. Unless the view is forward or up, I am not paying attention to anything or everything else around me #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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