Wednesday 27 January 2021

Keep waiting my darling.

Happy birthday to the love of my life. The one person I can’t live without. The greatest joy, my source of strength and courage. I don’t know how you do it, but I love you for always putting up with my less than smart remarks sometimes. Your loyalty humbles me. Your dedication to others shocks me. If I had one word to describe you, it would be SELFLESS. I admire you. It’s the purest thing I love about you. Your faith in God is remarkably out of this world because it’s always about others and not yourself. They don’t see it but I have kept every record of the many times you have sacrificed your gift and time to serve others diligently. You are not outstanding but one of a kind. Life has never been easy for you yet somehow you always have a smile to offer. Even in difficult times, you somehow always know what to say to ease the pain. I can’t repay you realistically speaking as am just an earthly person oh but I know beyond any reasonable doubt, you deserve the very best God has to offer. You cannot give unless your cup is full so allow me to take this moment and celebrate you. 

A toast to Njeri

To every tear you have ever shed on behalf of hard assignments, baibèé may God restore honor and grace to those beautiful eyes. To every disappointment you have faced in life, I pray God compensates every lost time by fast forwarding your life not because you have been off track let me emphasize on that a little, Njeri, you have always been ahead of the game , everyone else have just taken too long to catch up with you. To the purest and most beautiful thing about you, that bloody organ, your heart, the only place where you place God on a pedestal, you were born in love and with love. Not just any random or common man can have you or earn the title inlove. You have been mocked and made fun off for waiting for the real deal, let them because only fools make fun of what they don’t understand. Keep waiting my darling.

You serve a higher purpose as opposed to what meets the naked eyes. You have taken your time to discover and rediscover yourself deep within. Not many would start all over again. Not many would overcome certain failures and find balance between God and self realization.Not everyone has your drive and work ethic. Not everyone is this honest in their craft. Not everyone is out there chasing down their dreams. Not everyone can be entrusted yet somehow God does and realistically speaking from a human perspective you have little to nothing to offer yet when you open your mouth, I understand why. You are the epitome of beauty because your intentions come from a place of love. Your heart is sincere and genuine. Everytime you speak I not only see it but I hear each heartbeat beautifully placed on your lips. You are your heart.

I raise my imaginary glass up to you and hat off to you. You have earned my self respect because you carry yourself with that same respect in the presence of poor and wealthy folk. You are fair in your decisions. Your stand your ground regardless of doing it all alone. You have always lived in your truth and accepted others just the way they are. I can never question who you are because you wear your love for God gracefully. This is your year of grace my friend. To the toughest warrior I have ever known. You make me so proud. Keep doing what you do. They can try and imitate but they can never be you. They can try and ridicule but they can never perform and deliver with such excellence. You are not royalty but you are ROYALTY. Sometimes am taken aback and wonder who the fuck is this!

You don’t need a legacy because you are the legacy. You are the game changer. I love the way life looks from your eyes. I love you and I will always be here for you. Happy birthday to I, Me and Myself. Cheers and blessings sweetheart 💋 #LetsFallInLove  Let’s 💜 baibèé

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