Saturday 9 January 2021

I didn’t bring any baggages

Coming into 2021, I had a word to keep me encouraged throughout the new year.  Unlike most, I didn’t have anything saved. Perhaps that’s a major turn off but to me finances are the least of my worries. Growing up I have always been my own friend so one (1) is my only number.

Maybe it’s because I am single which would lead one to assume I am irresponsible but you would be surprised. The accomplishments I have in mind are connected to people and not things or in a financial way. I want the impossible. Favor can open doors where money can’t. Am weird.I am not into crowds but rather words. If it will improve my character, am here for it. This week, I became DESPERATE. On 1st, I was sure but something happened that changed my mind. I felt lost and confused which led me to shut myself down. I needed guidance and clarity.Those wiser and closer to God felt so out of reach and in a way, I had to figure this out on my own. I wanted and needed them to say something so each day I woke up hopeful. Perhaps their words would confirm mine. All I got was, you are on the right path. 

What do you mean?

I needed conviction something in the line of, God said. My mind and spirit wanted more. Deeper. Parables to decode. That’s how I knew I had come into my own level with God. I am used to hard and difficult, this is too easy. I have never been here before. Where I sit still.

Forgiveness is when you can look back at the situation meant to keep you down and replay it again with a smile on your face. We are all too quick to either walk away or forget. I was hurt, forgave and now am healed. How many people can genuinely say that about their past? I suddenly remembered who I am. I was desperate because I was EMPTY. I didn’t bring any baggages with me 2021. I am used to worrying and running up and down. Any disappointments, am over that. Any hurt, I have healed from that. I forgave and walked away. Missed moments: When you had the opportunity to share your gift but you were too caught up in your feelings to notice that someone else needed you. 2021, capitalize on all moments and make a difference. Trust me, someone SOMEWHERE is always going to need you. No more missed moments.

Just how dedicated should one be? In my own humble opinion. Personally, when I can look back at any situation and conclude the following; I did my best. I gave my all. There is nothing more to be done. Then you can walk away but until otherwise #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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