Monday 13 May 2019

Broken Mentality

After years of being dismissed and people expecting me to stay down, wisdom creeped up on me. I have been walking around with a broken mentality. My heart healed years ago and God has been waiting on me to figure that out.

Am sure am not the only one who is guilty of experiencing some if not all of the above. Dismissed maybe because they don't know me or they have someone in mind. Still that doesn't make me a less candidate or the right to beat myself  down believing everything thrown my way. For that I apologise to myself for having dragged that foolishness way too long. As for people expecting me to stay down, yeah that will never happen. Take it up with God child.

I have grown rather I have been forced by circumstances to grow and embrace change but it's entirely up to me to make it positive or negative. I like this quote, "Pain changes people, it makes then trust less, overthink more and shut people out." I am guilty of that because I have been walking around with a broken mentality. See my heart moved on years ago but the memories have been holding me back triggering my mind to think that I am not okay but in actual sense I am good to go. I have been for years! I have just been allowing myself to carry on as if am a victim of good people finish last, it's not the right time, if this was God I would know...... Basically anything to stop me from moving forward emotionally. I have been waiting for God yet God has been waiting for me to get my act together.

One more quote to get you motivated is this," There are some men out there who will come into your life to HELP restore and heal what was broken."

Ladies, please note the key word is HELP!!!! How do you fix something that’s not broken or assist someone who doesn’t need leave alone can admit they are not okay? Other than that man loving you the best way he knows how he has a higher purpose and it's not you. How do you expect to be in a relationship when you have never committed to knowing what it is that you really want. Date yourself first. No matter how many scriptures you quote and how many times you fast and pray, your will never get a man who will restore and heal something that was never broken. With a broken mentality I assure you, you won't even know a good thing even when it walks in your life.

Love God, forgive yourself then give yourself permission to receive the kindness you have been giving everyone else. That was just a bad break. Start including yourself. Stay present in your own life. Show up. Nothing is broken. Put it on repeat and watch it become a #RealityCheck

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