Thursday 23 May 2019

Love Hate Feeling

I am constantly dealing with my love hate feelings. Right now I hate that I have to blog but I love that am staying true to my commitment even when all I want to do is daydream and not have to write.

Sometimes I have love hate expectations. Say I like you and honestly speaking you have no clue whatsoever that I do and then you either say or post something which according to me and my expectations that was rather less than smart I automatically dislike you at that particular moment. Later on you do something "worthy of my approval" again this is all on me and not you,  I find myself liking you more than before.

Is there anyone else out there who goes through such "abnormal cycles" with the love hate feelings? I expect the people I like , drawn to and attract have a certain level of wisdom to discern and kinda predict the future in a way. Am not talking about being book smart or street smart but there is something in you that sets you apart from everyone else.

See, I like you enough to walk away, to let you be and push you further than you see yourself. The thing about this special feeling is that you don't feeling it with everyone else. You know how people keep asking ,"How do you know?" I guess this is one of the ways.

I love hate #RealityCheck

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