Wednesday 8 May 2019

Petty is very necessary

Let me explain. You know how when you get your big break everyone wants association? Personally I wouldn’t know because am not there yet.

Now you know how no one wants association because your life is at a stand still,that is me right there.

There are two types of people. Those who only tell their story the minute they are successful and strangely me who talks about her often disappointments.

When I say petty is necessary this is what I mean. Those who will question your success and those who constantly question your slow progression. Either that was way too fast or why is it taking her so long to make money moves.

The good news is that whether you accomplish or stay the same there are people who are assigned to mold your character. If you are new you will find yourself throwing pitty parties wondering why you are not being celebrated. I have to say I am one fortunate lady who happens to not only be strong in her faith but have a very supportive small circle of people who love God beyond their flesh.

Sometimes it gets to me and I find myself acting less than smart (petty). Allow me to term people who are doubtful of you enablers and not obstacles. This far is all God and more so the necessary pettiness that broke my narrow mentality and forces me to grow up.

Like in any construction site you need a plumb bob. It’s not who walks in or out of your life but rather who you are that determines where you are destined to be. Sometimes bad things happen to good people not because they deserve unnecessary drama but like a plumb bob to streamline you . So you see, petty is very necessary.

How to deal with petty

You need to identify it first and what it represents. Sometimes you will need to ignore it and other times you will be forced to address it just to remind yourself that silence is not a sign of weakness.

Like creative criticism take it and learn from it but don’t dwell least you forget your purpose. If you don’t have a positive circle to share with, be that positive person to yourself and if bad ever turns to worse get a pen and paper and write down your thoughts: If positive keep, if negative burn it.

As much as petty is necessary,please  protect your sanity. So now evaluate your life and ask yourself this, are you the petty or are you going to use that petty  and turn it into something pretty?

Talk of a petty #RealityCheck

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