Monday 27 May 2019

Njerified ✔

If I can change the world with love then I will have lived a fulfilled life. I am not hypocritical! Ofcourse I will not show love to those who hurt me instead I will show kindness by simply avoiding and ignoring them 😊 . Now this is Njerified ✔

This chapter of my life would be called "Adding Up". The pervious chapter I believe was all about detoxing. Life is starting to add up. While keeping it very simple, am finding myself making the most of what was left. If it's not a necessity, why purchase it. I am currently obsessed with smelling fresh. Have you ever walked past someone or in a room and you got excited just by the smell. The feeling leaves you thinking that that's the kind of person you need in your life right? The, "This is what am talking about" moment. Yeah, am not there yet but am working on it.

There are two types of human beings. Those that restock the minute the product runs out and those who add more reason being you never know. The just kind of people. Am gulity of over purchasing products. Am I proud of it financially,  no but everytime I walk up to "my mini bedroom store" it gives me life. Literally!

The only compliment am looking forward to this year is, "wow you smell exceptionally different" followed by a smile. Slow down,  I really want to get to know you.  Now this is what I call a #RealityCheck

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