Saturday 18 May 2019

Old memories

Have you ever come across an old picture of yourself and wondered, "what happened to this girl/boy?" Is it that I stopped dreaming, believing or did #RealityCheck catch up with me? Let's take a walk down old memories lane now shall we? Forget how you felt at that particular moment if life was easier or harder I am not here for that, I need you to write down the first thing that comes in mind when you see the young you.

This exercise is very important. Now, honestly speaking the now you will either dismiss  her/him or think highly of yourself based on looks alone. True or false? Let's go deeper! Can you recall what you were going through at that particular moment? Insecurities, peer pressure, beer pressure, identity crisis or perhaps and this is for the rare,you had life looking up. Again,  write it down.

Take a recent picture of yourself. Zoom in. What's the first thought that comes in mind? Were you shocked, did you smile or perhaps and this is for the rare slightly shed a tear out of fear? How does the now you make you feel? Is it in line with the old you or way much better or worse?

What's my point? There is how you see yourself, how others see you then there is what God has for you. By the end of this year you won't recognise yourself leave alone everyone else. As time changes so do you. The only person you owe your very best is the young you. How you have viewed the young you is how everyone viewed you.  But did that stop God from turning you from then to now? What gives you the right to dismiss yourself after that grilling process? Stop being hard and unfair to yourself.

It's not how others see you but how you see yourself that determines how harder you will work and fight for what you want. No one knows your dreams but you. I need you to start having your own back. It's only too late to turn your life around when you die. Until then, you owe the young you and those old memories a better #RealityCheck. 

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