Saturday 25 May 2019

In Sync

I was having a discussion with my bestfriend the other day and I was telling her about my fears. When? You may ask. Hey, don't be nosey! My biggest fear as of now is getting with the wrong man.  Listen,  I have come along way and as highlighted in my bio it's a long story, it's not a one day affair. I didn't become all this overnight. As enchanting as I want it to come off, it's not but then again,  I am.

What are his priorities and intentions? First of all, am boring! If all he is after is a good time, please hire a DJ let him/her mix that up for you. Wrong lady sir! Next!!! If he is searching *for dramatic effect* for his bestfriend not to assume he doesn't already have  but in his future wife, I mean, say no more. You have won the jackpot. I don't encourage gambling but I can bet that with me by your side, winning is the only option on the table. I believe that just empowered somebody (laughing sheepishly) for sure!

I am not about to let you in on what I go for least someone somewhere tries to camouflage themselves into that and I end up rebuking them. Don't do that to your soul. *in almost a whisper* am not the one for you.  I will rock your world but you won't even give me goosebumps. It's the ugly truth that no one wants to admit to. I always state the truth. The truth will set you free.

My bestfriend is a wise lady. I am not saying that just because she is my friend but she is an exceptional human being. The kindest soul I have ever come across other than myself ofcourse . It takes one to know one.  Beautiful.  Anyway, what was my point? This is how she put my fears to rest. She told me that the day my soulmate will meet me, we will be in sync. The way your left hand goes in your right hand and vise versa.

What are you struggling with right now? What are you afraid of? Allow me to take my bestfriends wisdom and challenge your mind for a minute. Whatever you are chasing , you think you want it bad enough, I assure you it's tearing and breaking barriers to make its way to you as well. Good or bad you will find each other. Then what?

Let's go back to my question. Remove his and replace it with my. What are my priorities and intentions? That will determine your in sync ladies and gentlemen giving you a #RealityCheck

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