Tuesday 11 May 2021

Folks, it is what it is.

It’s amazing how as human beings we are quick to celebrate wins. Now that the KCSE results are out, every parent in Kenya is having the typical eye roll. Everyone else is the nosy relative who never offered to pay the school fees but then wants to air their opinion. Here we go.

I have been there. The awkward candidate who feels like I have let my parents down. I swear I did my best but then again as any parent would argue out, the results show it all. They can’t be wrong. They certainly can’t have been tampered with. Reducing your child to a result slip. I couldn’t help but overhear this concerned parent who was rather loud talking of how they overfed their son that’s why he performed so poorly. Then came words that still haunt me to date. I expected better! I understand where he is coming from but I felt bad not just for his son but him. No child should ever be humiliated over things that are beyond them. This is where I throw in the ugly truth. Folks, it is what it is. I couldn’t look this man in the eyes because his tone told of his disappointment. He had given his all and now there is nothing left to do. Then I quickly imagined how frustrated and hurt his son must be feeling. Parents think children don’t know but surely with your DNA, trust me we always know when you are proud and disappointed by us. What broke me was knowing his father had given up on him. He had quit on him.

Has it ever occurred to the human brain there is a reason why we have different grades and positions in the work environment.We all can’t be kings and queens. We can’t have everyone attaining A’s. Someone has to “fail”. Is it really failure? This is my specialty. It’s not the end.

Let’s place the hard facts on the table. You are not the smartest boy/girl in the room. The results are out. Let’s agree on that. Books are not your thing. You are intelligent just not with books. Atleast for those four (4) years you learned something about yourself. Right? However, that wasn’t wasted school fees. For those parents who are tempted to throw that defense card to try and console themselves, no mum and dad, offering your child/children an education is not a waste of money or time. It’s not on you anymore. What’s done is done. Thank you.

Let’s focus on the “victim” the child. Did he or she fail you or were you as a parent having high expectations knowing with the report cards what they were preparing you for. They made an effort. Or perhaps they didn’t and them wanting to please you got them nervous and shit. All I ask, is this. Don’t play the comparison game with one another. Parents, don’t compare you babies with those who performed better. Babies, don’t allow this result hold you back. There is still hope. 

Not with those results. 


Life has just began. 

Let’s work with now.

So, you are not book smart, you know what that means, you are street smart. How times have changed. I wish parents would encourage their kids to pursue their dreams. What they are really good at and not what looks good on paper and to others. To be individuals, unstoppable.

For those who performed well congratulations, you deserve to be celebrated. For those who did poorly, you deserve to be celebrated as well for not dropping out, beating the odds and making it this far. So much more awaits out here. The funny thing about life as I conclude is this. Life isn’t fair. It’s up to you to live according to how fair you want it to be. You can either wallow or make something better out of all this. There are two types of businessmen and women out there. Those with A’s and those who “failed”. That didn’t stop either of them from achieving success. 

I wish you all the very best but most importantly don’t forget to be kind not only with those around you but yourselves first. You deserve to be your own greatest fan. 

Stay safe and God bless you all as you #FallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé with this new opportunities and life ahead.

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