Thursday 23 October 2014

Guilt 👀🙊🙉🙈

Is anyone feeling guilty this morning?Good you should be.If you have nothing to hide then you would not walk around fearing for your life or feeling as though everyone is judging you.No guilt no baggage.I personally am a firm believer of sneaking around as long as you have a title and by title I mean girlfriend, fiance or wife.Being friends with benefits is the most selfish thing any human being can expect or ask from another.Why sell yourself short?All in the name of not committing but answer me this the minute he/she doesn't show up to steal afew kisses and caress parts of your body that leave you feeling like you want to sneeze but can't least the thrill escapes your mind, why do you tend to 'feel disappointed?' Because you care and caring to mean is a clear sign that that person means more to you than you think.

Mr on and off.The #ProudManTalk.The talk that irritates the broad daylight out of a vampire.Where he only talks to you when he wants you and expects a response.Things have to go his way.He disappears after the two of you shared something you thought was concrete only to realize it was a strategy to keep you as his go to girl.The type of man who sends a message and expects you to read in between the lines.The arrogant type that never apologizes and the minute he ever does he feels like the world owes him for being a superhero.Listen up gentlemen not unless you want to die alone in your mothers house at the age of 30 please spare the rest of us good ladies your cheap drama,act and shenanigans.We get it, you have been disappointed by what you thought was the jack pot but tell me something fellas where do we come in in your misfortunes?Why is it that you are taking out all your frustrations on a good lady who has done nothing but be honest, accept your short comings and expect the same in return I mean is this a crime so bad that is worth sentencing us to an unfair trial?

Life has consequences and personally I go for a man with whom I will look back at the door of consequences and utter,"damn that son of a woman was worth it.Every bit of it" and laugh.I am not looking for sunshine when it rains, I am waiting for someone to get me dancing shoes to dance in the rain.I don't want forever with you, I want every second of my breath with you by my side.I am not looking for my biggest fan but my source of inspiration.I don't want better days with you but ridiculous moments with you.I don't want to be the one but I want to be the reason you smile.I don't want you to be my superman but I just want you to be all the man you can ever be with me.

Guilt,pleasure and pain.That is what life has to offer.So if you don't mind, I want to wake up with no guilt in my gut for I have done all that I can.When I admire myself in the mirror I want my reflection to smile back at me.I want a bottle of red wine to nurse my self made standards.Above all I don't mind you being my guilt,pleasure and pain.

So yet again I ask,"Is anyone feeling guilty this morning?"

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