Wednesday 1 October 2014

Happy New month bloggers.We ll to all those ladies who cannot leave the house without make up on ..thank heaven for Halloween ...I don't mean to laugh but I will silently to myself *giggles*. With a new month comes new expectations and changes so what ever happened in September unless it was a new love or anything positive really leave it in that old month.Move on already the month has.

In life you have to loose some to win some but for those of you who always have to win expect nothing less this new month.Personally I make it a habit to let go of some old things I clung to the previous month...friends who are just that friends you know the ones that don't make it for you there are just there really ...those had to go sorry people ...negativity did not make it to October as well, that ill behavior had to be buried in last month was nothing grand...just a short ceremony.For the rest of us who occasionally win, run with the feeling.

For those of you born in October damn I can't believe you had to wait this long to celebrate.The year is almost over well just beginning for all of you like how does that work out?The beginning to the end ...interesting ...that reminds me, I should totally hook up with an October gentleman.It says here you guys are thinkers.Wait did I read right ...nice learning about Libras here.That right there is enough to land any man who is already termed as nice to the friendzone level never going to happen.But let's not be hard on such gentlemen ladies after all we always claim to want the nice kind of gentlemen by our sides.

I need to learn more so any man willing to teach me a thing or two about the Libra world is free to do so.Like I said new month new adventures.Whatever happens be open minded ladies and gentlemen.
Until then be nice .....

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