Tuesday 14 October 2014

Oh life!

Life is messed up.No need to sugar coat it.One minute it offers you what you think is the world and the next it's that one annoying person you can never imagine away. The one thing I like about it is that it's not a respecter of persons.It doesn't choose who to beat down the most or reward.Unpredictable is the best term to sum it up.No matter how good you are it has a way of allowing the worst of it's kind craw their way in your life and no matter how bad society thinks you are it always finds a way to reward you with the one thing everyone else agrees you don't deserve.

I have learnt that no matter how nice you are to people they will always find a way to betray you in the worst way.As if they didn't know you better.That is the most absurd thing of all.Like I thought we were friends....I thought you knew me....I thought....see that right there is the problem.Thinking so I avoid thinking about life and people altogether because the results are always the same...unfair.Instead I walk around telling myself that life has taught me everything I have offered both directly with my actions  and directly with my thoughts.So as a result I have come to the conclusion that I need to love myself a little bit more just incase the world (life) forgets to tell me,I already know it.

Survival tactics ...deny yourself nothing in life ..that's right whatever life can offer take it better yet grab it and run with it.I have learnt that even the devil doesn't mess with anyone who doesn't have anything to offer *giggles* .Ever been in a situation where you were determined to get something yet you didn't even have the means leave alone the skills to get it but got it anyway?That is the same attitude you should have every morning or everytime you leave the house.Some of you will use this information for evil but no worries there are consequences awaiting you at the end of the tunnel ...You can't plant evil and expect to harvest good ...let's be real.

In conclusion just know there are people who are just not meant to be in your life no matter how selfless you become going out of your way to lend a hand.It will never happen.And if for some reason they start to warm up to you,they want either to ruin you or rob you of the very same thing that you are after.Be wise.Stay where you are celebrated not where you are tolerated.

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