Thursday 16 October 2014

What are you getting yourself into?

We all want the same things the good life.the package bringing with it a good man/lady , financial stability and everything else that comes with these two. 
Most of all we all want to be loved. The old me never quite understood well was delusional over the fact that if a man/lady loves you hen they understand that you expect their unconditional loyalty and respect. That is not the case. 

The 2014 couple want it all at ago which to be honest is not only bonkers but sheer fantasy.Switch off that GPRS just incase you think of hiring a hitman *too much cable I know* let me explain ... No one has the time to wait anymore so the whole getting to know you comes right after the two of you have become intimate .... That is too much of a beautiful word to waste so I take it back ... You have already quenched your urges, then you start asking all the wrong questions like where did I go wrong?..seriously in allowing your lust not last that man/lady longer where do I go from here? I don't know perhaps to your old life yes you want the truth then don't ask ignorant questions.

You can't plan for the perfect moment that I know because the best moments just happen.Get to be friends first.Then if you want to be more it will happen on it's own but if you think by making it easier for the other party will land you a oh wow darling the only trip you will be making will be to the chemist.If you want that man/lady to value you you have to give him/her something to remember you by in a good way.Set the standards, make that man/lady find it hard to meet another you out there.You would rather have him/her respect you enough to treat you right than disrespect you in a manner you will feel used if not abused.

I don't see the harm in being friends first unless you are looking for a good time.Lets be honest ladies at the end of the day someone will want more ..clue the lady....someone is bound to be hurt...clue number two the lady .... someone will end up being bitter....last clue it's a she ....Either way ladies we stand to loose so why not make use of the moment given to you by opportunity.The problem is not getting his attention ...that you already did but the trick or should I say the real hard work is keeping him interested in you.Just because he calls you his doesn't earn you the right to make it easy for him to leave.

Dating is a full time job with afew benefits ..sexual favors ..being showered with gifts... but unlike marriage it's not for life.Yes, you can always walk away.The minute times get hard, most ladies run off to 'better relationship' or men who have lesser baggages ...not true by the way.Plus not all ladies are the leaving type though if you give me something to leave about best believe I will be out the door before you can pull the we need some time apart card.

Make your intentions fully known.I can go on for days but for now...let reality sink in

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