Thursday 2 October 2014

What happens when you have been out of the dating scene for years?You block everyone out.It's never intentional though at times the offers coming around aren't as enticing as you would have hoped they would be.Not that you are looking for a dog ladies you know tall, dark, handsome,well built,generous,faithful and one who meets your every demand that is what I meant by a 'dog'.If he is tall, chances are he is not good looking 'awkwardly sexy' type of man you go for where others would refer to as 'super ugly' see he can be unappealing but rich enough to want the type that no other woman will want thus ugly yet wealthy enough to keep around for him to be insecure enough to cheat or replace you with another.That is how you differentiate between a woman who is working smart with another working hard.The one working hard will apply the ninety day rule...well will follow ever trick in the book to keep that man glued and  interested.Take for instance the ones who apply the reverse psychology game plan.They always act uninterested or too independent to get that man's attention.Does it work sometimes but why go through all that when you can have that man lusting and loving you from halo.

There are two kinds of females, the ones who read in between the lines and the ones who let men read in between the lines.The former females are always the ones pushing good guys away and end up complaining that all the good men are married,gay or sunk in the titanic I should know am one of these ladies.The later end up turning good men into believing that all women cheat,are lesbians and good for nothings and should be slapped around every now and then just incase we forget our place in the society as weaklings.I tell it like it is.We all want a relationship like that of Beyonce and Jay mainly because she is a strong black woman who is self driven and has earned her place in the world and Jay who is also a black influential man who has three things every man wants power, money and a beautiful woman by his side.That will never happen so no no matter how hard you try we will never pull a 'bee-hive' why can't we just me us in our own ridiculously awesome way.Lets make history enough for our kids to want such a friendship,love,lust, thrive, determination, success and all those good things that come with it?

This is one of the reasons why relationships have become overrated.People have forgotten what us is all about.You are busy looking for a her in me and I looking for a him in you forgetting we are two different unique individuals yet we have it to make us last.So gentlemen, quit looking at us ladies as if we are all the same.I assure you we may look the same but we are as different as day and night.This is the self made problem men are struggling with.Using the same old rules to approach different ladies.You need to take the time to 'study' her first and know which card to pull instead of claiming that we are either playing too hard to get or too damn intimidating.We are not animals I assure you but if you took the time to realize that you would be happy and contented with each relationship you got in.Ladies,If you have no intention of dating that man please don't lead him on or think that just because he is available he should only be in your life and no one elses.Don't be selfish nor self centered otherwise you will end up bitter and alone.

Ladies and gentlemen,do not rush.Simply take the time to communicate and know what you want and expect in return.There is no Mr or Mrs right.It's up to the two of you to see and bring out the best of each other thus landing you the title 'perfect or good together'.If you want to be the one, you have to be the one and how do you earn it, by simply working towards being the best you.I assure you everyone has their own rib so quit squeezing yourself in the wrong hole.

This is how you know if you are in the right relationship or not.If you are better than you were alone then by all means hold on, fight , make him realize why he fell inlove with you in the first place but if all you ever do is make excuses for him or her and have developed some bad habits that have separated you from your family and true friends just to fit in their world, pick up what is left of your dignity and move on.When you think of her do you smile or do you feel like she robbed you of a chance to be truly happy with another?when you see him do you have butterflies or pee yourself out of fear?

These things happen, it's life but you have to weigh and see which one is worth the trouble.

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