Friday 24 October 2014

Shock vs Reality

Goodness if you all saw the shock on my face on realizing that reality is either too harsh to accept or this is just sheer madness. It got me thinking like I have I been in denial say all mylife or what just happened. It's as if a bus just ran over me then as if not enough came back to ensure nothing was left behind .... Getting rid of the evidence that I even existed. 
What has become of our young girls? You would think I am a parent but at times I feel like owning up to such a responsibility seeing as I always take care of everyone around me. They don't ask me to but I feel the need to their Wonder Woman truth be told. 
So this morning I learnt of how these poor innocent babies have been commuting themselves to ungrateful and meaningless relationships. This is where they should be curious enough to steal  afew kisses but not going the whole is it the nine or ten yards? Well in their case it feels as though it's the twentieth. 
There should be our very own local BringBackOurGirls. They have been indulged in this that even forty year olds are yet to discover. They have been taken advantage off perhaps because they are naive but the they are coming off as curious enough to learn.
It got me thinking like where have I been? Is this what am missing out on a in the name of being taken? Is this what relationships have been reduced to? Afew benefits on the side? But what becomes of the rest of us helpless romantics? Dear God is this what the long has been all about? Didn't I ever read that love is pure  and kind? Is it that our parents were naming us out of mere  sarcasm only to end up becoming the opposite. 
Think about it. What were our folks thinking at the moment they names us .... please insert your name  who or rather what have you become? Sad .... Indeed very sad. Am I in denial or is reality proving too much to handle?

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